Case Study

Sencrop Case Study

Sencrop, a leading provider in agricultural technology, connects weather data to crop management and provides farmers with reliable insights from localized precision weather stations. Their commitment to assisting farmers in making timely decisions for optimal crop health and productivity drives continuous innovation. This case study explores transitioning from Auth0 to Ory and sheds light on how Ory has become an essential component in Sencrop's mission to provide cutting-edge tools for agricultural success across the globe.

Learn why Sencrop chose Ory

The challenge

Sencrop, a growing tech company, faced a pressing business problem: their existing authentication solution, Auth0 presented significant commercial challenges. Auth0 had worked well for basic email and password authentication, but as Sencrop was scaling their business escalating costs prompted a search for a new solution. They wanted a provider that offered a long-term vision, a scalable OAuth2 implementation, as well as more predictable and fair pricing. Sencrop evaluated around 20 different options in the market, including both open-source and SaaS solutions.

The solution

Ory emerged as the optimal solution to Sencrop authentication needs. Its open-source nature and the robust and complete feature set made it a compelling choice. Sencrop began a thorough evaluation of Ory and quickly made the decision to implement it. Ory addressed Sencrop’s business problem by offering a long-term, highly scalable solution that did not come with the limitations of Auth0. The decision was influenced by Ory’s ability to handle OAuth2 flows effectively and its future-proofing capabilities, ensuring Sencrop would not need to switch providers again.

The results

Sencrop experience with Ory has been overwhelmingly positive in hindsight. The Ory team provided excellent support and Sencrop appreciated the seamless headless integration, allowing for custom UI capabilities through Ory Network’s API, and the unique security features, like opaque tokens and built-in ingress proxy. The migration’s speed was commendable, completed progressively over less than a month, minimizing user disruption. This timely migration coincided with Sencrop’s record-setting busy agricultural season, ensuring no operational issues during a critical period. Ory Network has proven to be exceptionally reliable, demonstrating outstanding uptime and performance even during traffic bursts and peaks. The continuous improvement based on feedback regarding documentation and the console UI has been noteworthy. Self-service through Ory’s console, combined with comprehensive documentation and Slack support, ensured a smooth transition for the Sencrop development team. Additionally, Ory's API flexibility facilitated effective handling of mobile users, accommodating asynchronous app update cycles seamlessly.

The conclusion

Sencrop’s transition from Auth0 to Ory was driven by the need for a cost-effective, flexible, and future-proof authentication solution. Facing escalating costs and unnecessary feature pressures with Auth0, Sencrop explored numerous alternatives and chose Ory for its open-source flexibility and robust features. In conclusion, Sencrop’s switch to Ory has proven to be the ideal decision. The cost-effectiveness, support, and scalability provided by Ory have not only addressed the initial business problems but have also positioned Sencrop well for future growth and innovation in their authentication needs. Looking ahead, Sencrop plans to expand their authentication methods to improve app sign-up conversion and aims to manage shared accounts more efficiently, enhancing security and user control.

Fast and scalable


thousand monthly active users migrated


% better control over cost increases


limits to scaling economically and technically

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About Ory

Security and industry experts with a proven track record and the world’s largest open-source community for cloud software application security are building Ory. Ory is scalable and performant, it installs on every software stack, and delivers a variety of industry and best-practice standards such as OAuth 2.0 / OAuth 2.1, OpenID Connect, Zero Trust Networking, Google Zanzibar Policy Framework, FIDO2 U2F, WebAuthn, TOTP, and more. Ory is in use in high-security industries in large-scale use cases from eCommerce to finance and powers billions of requests monthly.

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