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Configurable token prefix for OAuth2 tokens

This document explains how to configure the token prefix for OAuth2 access tokens, refresh tokens, and authorization codes. By default, all tokens use the ory_%s_ template, where %s is replaced with the token type.

Customizing the token prefix is available only to customers on an Ory Enterprise plan (Ory Enterprise License / Ory Network Enterprise). If you are interested in this feature, please contact us.

Default token prefix

By default, OAuth2 tokens use the following template: ory_%s_. The %s is a placeholder that will be replaced by the specific token type:

  • rt for refresh tokens
  • at for access tokens
  • ac for authorization codes


  • Refresh Token: ory_rt_...
  • Access Token: ory_at_...
  • Authorization Code: ory_ac_...

Customize the token prefix

With the oauth2.token_prefix configuration key, you can customize the prefix for your OAuth2 tokens. This key is only available to Ory Enterprise License customers.

How to configure

  1. Locate the Configuration File: Open your Ory configuration file.
  2. Set the oauth2.token_prefix Key: Add or modify the oauth2.token_prefix key in your configuration file.

Example configuration

token_prefix: "acme_token_%s_"

In this example, tokens will use the acme_token_%s_ template. The %s placeholder for the token type must always be included in the template.

Resulting tokens

  • Refresh Token: acme_token_rt_...
  • Access Token: acme_token_at_...
  • Authorization Code: acme_token_ac_...

JSON Web Tokens exception

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) will never be prefixed because it would violate the JWT format. This applies to:

  • ID Tokens: These are always JWTs and will never be prefixed.
  • JWT Access Tokens: If you are using JWTs as access tokens, they will also not be prefixed.