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Ory Hydra OAuth2 Server Quickstart

In this quickstart, you will set up Ory Hydra OAuth2 & OpenID Connect Server and an exemplary User Login & Consent App using Docker Compose. You need to have the latest Docker and Docker Compose version and Git installed, as well as jq.

You do not want to self-host? Try out common OAuth2 grants on the fully managed version of Ory Hydra.

OAuth2 Flow with Open Source OAuth2 Server Ory Hydra

To get started, clone the Ory Hydra locally:

git clone
cd hydra

Run the following command(s) to start the OAuth2 server:

Run the latest Ory Hydra production build:

docker compose -f quickstart.yml \
-f quickstart-postgres.yml \

Starting hydra_postgresd_1
Starting hydra_hydra_1

Let's confirm that everything is working by creating an OAuth 2.0 Client.

The OAuth 2.0 client uses port 4444 and 4445. The former is Ory Hydra's public endpoint, the latter its administrative endpoint. For more information head over to Exposing Administrative and Public API Endpoints.

Let's create the OAuth 2.0 Client:

client=$(docker compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra \
hydra create client \
--endpoint \
--format json \
--grant-type client_credentials)

# We parse the JSON response using jq to get the client ID and client secret:
client_id=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_id')
client_secret=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_secret')

Let's perform the client credentials grant:

docker compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra \
hydra perform client-credentials \
--endpoint \
--client-id "$client_id" \
--client-secret "$client_secret"

ACCESS TOKEN ory_at_ZDTkKci59rH_8KlZlRjIek0812n9oPsvJX_nTdptGt0.bbpFutv5CsfjHzs8QrsnmPZ-0VxgwPvg9jgw1DQaYNg
ID TOKEN <empty>
EXPIRY 2022-06-27 11:50:28.244046504 +0000 UTC m=+3599.059213960

Let's perform token introspection on that token. Make sure to copy the token you just got and not the dummy value.

docker compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra \
hydra introspect token \
--format json-pretty \
--endpoint \

"active": true,
"client_id": "24451202-afa7-4278-98ce-8d40f421afec",
"exp": 1656330629,
"iat": 1656327029,
"iss": "",
"nbf": 1656327029,
"sub": "24451202-afa7-4278-98ce-8d40f421afec",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"token_use": "access_token"

Next, we will perform the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant. For that, we must first create a client that's capable of performing that grant:

code_client=$(docker compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra \
hydra create client \
--endpoint \
--grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token \
--response-type code,id_token \
--format json \
--scope openid --scope offline \

code_client_id=$(echo $code_client | jq -r '.client_id')
code_client_secret=$(echo $code_client | jq -r '.client_secret')

Note that you need to add --token-endpoint-auth-method none if your clients are public (such as SPA apps and native apps) because the public clients can't provide client secrets.

The following command starts a server that serves an example web application. The application will perform the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow using Ory Hydra. The web server runs on

docker compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra \
hydra perform authorization-code \
--client-id $code_client_id \
--client-secret $code_client_secret \
--endpoint \
--port 5555 \
--scope openid --scope offline

Setting up home route on
Setting up callback listener on
Press ctrl + c on Linux / Windows or cmd + c on OSX to end the process.
If your browser doesn't open automatically, navigate to:

Open the URL, log in, and authorize the application. Next, you should see at least an access token in the response. If you granted the offline scope, you will also see a refresh token. If you granted the openid scope, you will get an ID Token as well.

Great! You installed Ory Hydra, connected the CLI, created a client and completed two authentication flows! Before you continue, clean up this set up in order to avoid conflicts with other tutorials from this guide:

docker compose -f quickstart.yml kill
docker compose -f quickstart.yml rm -f -v

Quickstart configuration

In this tutorial we use a simplified configuration. You can find it in contrib/quickstart/5-min/hydra.yml. The configuration gets loaded in docker compose as specified in the quickstart.yml.

Have a look at the reference configuration for further information on all possible configuration options.