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Change a project or workspace owner

In Ory Network, managing project ownership is sometimes required. Projects are typically part of a workspace, where you can easily assign multiple owners. However, legacy projects that predate the workspace system might require a few extra steps. Follow the appropriate instructions below based on your project's status.

The project is part of a workspace

For most projects, which are already within a workspace, transferring ownership is simple.

  1. Adding a new owner:

    1. Select the workspace or project.

    2. Navigate to the "Workspace settings".

    3. Select the "Members" section.

      Workspace members

    4. Select the "Members" section. Here, you can add the new owner (e.g., [email protected]). This allows both of you to manage the project seamlessly.

      Add a new member

  2. Adjusting current ownership: If you need to change the role of someone:

    • Remove the user from the workspace.
    • Re-invite the user to the workspace with the desired new role (e.g., as a member instead of an owner).

Workspaces are designed to streamline collaboration, making it easy to manage team members and their access to projects.

The project is not part of a workspace (legacy projects)

For legacy projects that were created before the introduction of workspaces, you need to take an extra step to enable ownership transfer.

  1. Moving the project to a workspace:

    1. First, select the project you want to transfer.

    2. Go to the project settings and click on "Move project":

      Move the project to a workspace

    3. Select the workspace to move the project to.

    4. Change to the workspace you just selected.

  2. Assigning ownership in the workspace: See the instructions above for projects that are part of a workspace.