Keeping Covid19 in check with Ory Dockertest
This article gives a short introduction to Dockertest and how Google is using it against Covid19, also an overview about the open-source virus response in general.

Developer Advocate
Test driven software development is built into the fundamentals in the GO
programming language.
The Ory Open Source Software project Dockertest began with the aim to simplify
database testing and reduce the complexity in building unit tests.
In this blogpost, I want to introduce Dockertest, and highlight how its
simplicity and utility in building cloud native database applications has made
it a widespread tool among developers.
What is Ory Dockertest?
In today's cloud native software development, many engineers choose to use
containerization software such Docker to test,
deploy, and ship database applications.
And even though the whole development process has become much easier with
Docker, there are still cases that are hard to handle.
One such case is when you want to test integration of services with databases.
When working with many mock database systems testing can be cumbersome because
the database abstraction layer is often tied to one database type. Using an API
abstraction simplifies the process. But for small changes to the table structure
you need to work on the mocks or deal with other ramifications in the API.
You have the problem that the mock is not a real database. You also have to
rewrite the mock database and unit tests, when you make changes to your
This is where Docker and Ory Dockertest can help you create real databases for
your tests. You dont have to set up a whole database infrastructure.
Dockertest automates your interactions with the Docker API. This lets you test your services database integration in a simple and straightforward way. You configure your specific test setup, create the databases you want to test, ping to ensure connection and after testing close and dispose of the database again.
In Dockertest a pool represents a connection to the Docker API and is used to handle docker images and resources represent the docker containers. You can find examples for all common databases on
How Dockertest is helping keeping Covid in check
The (Google/Apple) Exposure Notification (GAEN) system was developed by both companies to help provide an effective framework for tracing Covid19 infections with an emphasis on privacy. Goverments worldwide use it to provide their citizens with a means of tracing infections or rather notifiying them of exposure to the virus. Since most people either have an Apple or Android device this approach covers a broad chunk of the population.
Now what does this have to do with Dockertest?
Google's open source reference implementation of an notification server uses Dockertest for database testing. It is amazing to see a tool that was written to ease the development process at Ory is used by big tech organisations in the most impactful health operation in modern times. It shows what a reliable and essential tool Dockertest has become over the years.
Here you can see the full code of the implementation:
// NewTestDatabaseWithConfig creates a new database suitable for use in testing.
// This should not be used outside of testing, but it is exposed in the main
// package so it can be shared with other packages.
// All database tests can be skipped by running `go test -short` or by setting
// the `SKIP_DATABASE_TESTS` environment variable.
func NewTestDatabaseWithConfig(tb testing.TB) (*DB, *Config) {
if testing.Short() {
tb.Skipf("🚧 Skipping database tests (short!")
if skip, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("SKIP_DATABASE_TESTS")); skip {
tb.Skipf("🚧 Skipping database tests (SKIP_DATABASE_TESTS is set)!")
// Context.
ctx := context.Background()
// Create the pool (docker instance).
pool, err := Dockertest.NewPool("")
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to create Docker pool: %s", err)
// Start the container.
dbname, username, password := "en-server", "my-username", "abcd1234"
container, err := pool.RunWithOptions(&Dockertest.RunOptions{
Repository: "postgres",
Tag: "12-alpine",
Env: []string{
"POSTGRES_DB=" + dbname,
"POSTGRES_USER=" + username,
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD=" + password,
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to start postgres container: %s", err)
// Ensure container is cleaned up.
tb.Cleanup(func() {
if err := pool.Purge(container); err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to cleanup postgres container: %s", err)
// Get the host. On Mac, Docker runs in a VM.
host := container.Container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
host = net.JoinHostPort(container.GetBoundIP("5432/tcp"), container.GetPort("5432/tcp"))
// Build the connection URL.
connURL := &url.URL{
Scheme: "postgres",
User: url.UserPassword(username, password),
Host: host,
Path: dbname,
q := connURL.Query()
q.Add("sslmode", "disable")
connURL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
// Wait for the container to start - we'll retry connections in a loop below,
// but there's no point in trying immediately.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
b, err := retry.NewFibonacci(500 * time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to configure backoff: %v", err)
b = retry.WithMaxRetries(10, b)
b = retry.WithCappedDuration(10*time.Second, b)
// Establish a connection to the database. Use a Fibonacci backoff instead of
// exponential so wait times scale appropriately.
var dbpool *pgxpool.Pool
if err := retry.Do(ctx, b, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
dbpool, err = pgxpool.Connect(ctx, connURL.String())
if err != nil {
return retry.RetryableError(err)
return nil
}); err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to start postgres: %s", err)
// Run the migrations.
if err := dbMigrate(connURL.String()); err != nil {
tb.Fatalf("failed to migrate database: %s", err)
// Create the db instance.
db := &DB{Pool: dbpool}
// Close db when done.
tb.Cleanup(func() {
return db, &Config{
Name: dbname,
User: username,
Host: container.GetBoundIP("5432/tcp"),
Port: container.GetPort("5432/tcp"),
SSLMode: "disable",
Password: password,
Health agencies around the world use this reference implementation of the Exposure Notifications API to build a backend to their notification apps. The server receives and validates the coded exposure keys from positive cases and keys shared between mobile devices to determine if two devices were near each other. It then stores the keys in a database and if there is a corresponding match on a user's device, the app notifies the user that they have been exposed to a positive case.
You can read more in depth about the server on Googles github documentation.
Open-source software drives innovative development
The whole GAEN project is open-source, as is Dockertest. The whole concept of contact tracing or exposure notification works great with open source, since it cuts down complexity of the whole operation. Imagine how much slower and inconsistent it would be if every country tried to build this software themselves. The sheer scale and complexity of the project as well as the countless pitfalls of security and privacy - that continue to cause controversy - is something that only a collective effort can handle.
Following health measures, taking care of sorroundings and the people around us is a collective effort. Building essential digital infrastructure also needs to be a collective project.
This is not an utopia that can only be imagined in the distant future, it becoming reality even now. If you follow the ongoing pandemic - as you are probably forced to - you noticed that there are many open source projects tackling every angle that can be imagined.
The most obvious are stats and APIs for public information, but also data scraper and analytics tools, even hardware like open source ventilators. There are efforts to use tools like machine learning and more exotic new technologies as well. The list compiled by the EU Joinup project is massive and growing.
The virus response is one field where open-source software (and to a smaller scale hardware) will continue to drive collective action. Open-source holds a massive potential of innovation and efficiency, for all other fields of public organisation, public infrastructure and services. It is time for citizens to demand open-source solutions for essential and critical infrastructure and services. This wont solve all - if any - problems of modern society, but it would be a great step towards transparency and in the long run trust.
Dockertest is an integral part of the Ory Ecosystem
Ory promises to produce high quality open source software.
Dockertest is just one example of how Ory
approaches advanced software development for cloud native applications.
Ory works with a dedicated worldwide community assuring that developer friendly
security tools and innovative products in identity infrastructure are available
to everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read this article! Check out our blog for more articles and tutorials.
Should you have further questions or feedback, visit the Ory Community Slack. Ory Dockertest is open-source and available on github, please consider starring the repository. It is free and helps grow the project and community.
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Further reading

Why you probably do not need OAuth2 / OpenID Connect

Learn when you really need to integrate OAuth2 and OpenID Connect!

The Perils of Caching Keys in IAM: A Security Nightmare

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