Choose Argon2 Parameters for Secure Password Hashing and Login
Pick recommended Argon2 (Argon2id, Argon2i) parameters (iteration, memory, parallelism) for secure login and password hashing, following security best practices using only open source.

Software Engineer
At Ory we develop open source access control and user management software. This guide sums up all the security best practices we follow and developed around Argon2. It first provides some background on Argon2 and best practice for choosing its parameters. I also wrote a CLI that allows you to calibrate the Argon2 parameter values according to your constrains and resources.
Argon2 - Secure Login and Password Hashing
To securely manage credentials, one has to only store a cryptographic hash of the credential. Whenever the credential has to be checked, the hash of the provided credential is computed and compared to the stored hash. This ensures that no one is able to retrieve the credentials, even with full access to the system's storage.
Argon2 is a cryptographic hash algorithm specifically designed to secure passwords. It is recommended by OWASP in the Argon2id variant as a modern, secure and flexible algorithm. This flexibility means that one has to choose some parameters and is probably the reason why you are reading this article.
Argon2's Cryptographic Password Hashing Parameters
Let me introduce you to the parameters and explain their role in the hashing operation. This section is based on the paper Argon2: the memory-hard function for password hashing and other applications.
- Memory: The memory used by the algorithm. To make hash cracking more expensive for an attacker, you want to make this value as high as possible.
- Iterations: The number of iterations over the memory. The execution time correlates linearly with this parameter. It allows you to increase the computational cost required to calculate one hash.
- Parallelism: The number of threads to use. This should be chosen as high as possible to reduce the threat imposed by parallelized hash cracking.
- Salt Length: The authors of Argon2 recommend this parameter to be 128 bits, but say it can be reduced to 64 bits in the case of space constraints.
- Key Length (i.e. Hash Length): This parameter depends on the intended usage. The Argon2 algorithm authors claim that a value of 128 bits should be sufficient for most applications. If you plan to use the hash as a derived key for e.g. AES, you can use this parameter to get a key of the required length.
Choose the Right Argon2 Parameters
Now that we know the parameters, we can start to determine the exact values. Start with the fixed parameters. The degree of parallelism should be twice the amount of available CPU cores dedicated to hashing. Choose a salt length and key length of 128 bits unless you have a strict space constraint or require longer keys.
Login Time Versus Security
Our goal is to tune the parameters so that a single hashing operation takes an acceptable amount of time. Here, user experience is in conflict with security, and even in the interest of users security should win out. For frontend applications the execution time should be at least 0.5s, but you should strive to make it 1s. Backend authentication can take a bit longer, but that depends on your use case. Have a look in the Argon2 specification paper to get some recommended durations for different applications.
Adjust Memory and Iterations Parameters
To reach the desired execution time, you can tweak two variables. It is recommended to start with the highest amount of memory possible and one iteration. Reduce the memory until one hashing operation takes less than your desired duration. Next, advance the number of iterations to approach the desired< execution time as close as possible.
Use Open Source to Choose Recommended Parameters
If the previous paragraph sounds like an algorithm to you, then you are absolutely right. We wrote a small CLI helper that allows you to run this procedure in an automated manner. It is part of our user management system Ory Kratos. You can use the prebuild binary from GitHub releases or docker image to run the CLI on your server and figure out the best values for your setup. It is as easy as running:
$ kratos hashers argon2 calibrate 1s
Or using docker:
$ docker run -it --entrypoint kratos oryd/kratos:v0.5 hashers argon2 calibrate 1s
The CLI allows you to set all your constrains, just have a look at all the
options using the --help
flag. An exemplary output could be:
"memory": 1048576, # = 1GB in KB
"iterations": 2,
"parallelism": 8,
"salt_length": 16, # in bytes
"key_length": 32, # in bytes
This article is purposely brief and aims to be an introduction and reference for developers that want to use the Argon2 password hashing algorithm for implementing secure login. Check out the Ory Kratos open source project if you are looking for a login, registration, 2fa, profile management system where you can bring your own UI!
Further reading

Why you probably do not need OAuth2 / OpenID Connect

Learn when you really need to integrate OAuth2 and OpenID Connect!

The Perils of Caching Keys in IAM: A Security Nightmare

Caching authentication keys can jeopardize your IAM security, creating stale permissions, replay attacks, and race conditions. Learn best practices for secure, real-time access control.